Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.addAsyncListener(CacheEntryOperationListener<K,V> listener) |
A set of listeners.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.addCacheClosedListener(CacheClosedListener listener) |
Listener that is called after a cache is closed.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.addListener(CacheEntryOperationListener<K,V> listener) |
Add a listener.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.asyncListenerExecutor(Executor v) |
Executor for asynchronous listeners.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.boostConcurrency(boolean f) |
When true , optimize for high core counts and applications that do lots of mutations
in the cache.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.bulkLoader(AsyncBulkCacheLoader<K,V> l) |
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.bulkLoader(BulkCacheLoader<K,V> l) |
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.disable(Class<? extends ToggleFeature> feature) |
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.disableMonitoring(boolean f) |
Disables reporting of cache metrics to monitoring systems or management.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.disableStatistics(boolean flag) |
By default, statistic gathering is enabled.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.enable(Class<? extends ToggleFeature> feature) |
Enable a feature
<B extends ConfigBuilder<B,T>,T extends ToggleFeature & ConfigBean<T,B>> Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.enable(Class<T> featureType,
Consumer<B> builderAction) |
Enables a toggle feature which has additional parameters and configures it via its builder.
<B extends SectionBuilder<B,CFG>,T extends ToggleFeature & WithSection<CFG,B>,CFG extends ConfigSection<CFG,B>> Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.enableWith(Class<T> featureType,
Consumer<B> builderAction) |
Enables a feature and configures its associated configuration section via its builder.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.entryCapacity(long v) |
The maximum number of entries hold by the cache.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.eternal(boolean v) |
When set to true , cached values do not expire and do not need refreshing.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.exceptionPropagator(ExceptionPropagator<? super K,? super V> ep) |
Sets customization for propagating loader exceptions.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.executor(Executor v) |
Executor for asynchronous operations and expiry.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.expireAfterWrite(long v,
TimeUnit u) |
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.expireAfterWrite(Duration v) |
Duration after an entry expires after an insert or update.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.expiryPolicy(ExpiryPolicy<? super K,? super V> c) |
Set expiry policy to use.
static Cache2kBuilder<Object,Object> |
Cache2kBuilder.forUnknownTypes() |
Create a new cache builder for a cache that has no type restrictions
or to set the type information later via the builder methods keyType or
valueType .
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.idleScanTime(long v,
TimeUnit u) |
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.idleScanTime(Duration v) |
Sets the time for a regular scan of all cache entries which evicts
idle entries that are not accessed since the last scan.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.keepDataAfterExpired(boolean v) |
Expired data is kept in the cache until the entry is evicted.
<K2> Cache2kBuilder<K2,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.keyType(Class<K2> t) |
The used type of the cache key.
<K2> Cache2kBuilder<K2,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.keyType(CacheType<K2> t) |
The used type of the cache key.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.loader(AdvancedCacheLoader<K,V> l) |
Enables read through operation and sets a cache loader.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.loader(AsyncCacheLoader<K,V> l) |
Enables read through operation and sets a cache loader.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.loader(CacheLoader<K,V> l) |
Enables read through operation and sets a cache loader.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.loaderExecutor(Executor v) |
Thread pool / executor service to use for triggered load operations.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.loaderThreadCount(int v) |
If no separate executor is set via loaderExecutor(Executor) the cache will
create a separate thread pool used exclusively by it.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.manager(CacheManager manager) |
The manager, the created cache will belong to.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.maximumWeight(long v) |
Specifies the maximum weight of entries the cache may contain.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> | String uniqueName,
Class<?> clazz,
String fieldName) |
Constructs a cache name out of the class name, a field name and a unique name identifying the
component in the application.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |<?> clazz) |
Sets a cache name from the fully qualified class name.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |<?> clazz,
String fieldName) |
Constructs a cache name out of the class name and field name.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> | v) |
Sets the name of a cache.
static <K,V> Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.of(Class<K> keyType,
Class<V> valueType) |
Create a new cache builder for key and value types of classes with no generic parameters.
static <K,V> Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.of(Cache2kConfig<K,V> c) |
Create a builder from the configuration bean.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.permitNullValues(boolean flag) |
When true , null values are allowed in the cache.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.recordModificationTime(boolean flag) |
Enables that time of an update (e.g.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.refreshAhead(boolean f) |
When true , enable background refresh / refresh ahead.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.refreshExecutor(Executor v) |
Thread pool / executor service to use for refresh ahead operations.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.resiliencePolicy(CustomizationSupplier<? extends ResiliencePolicy<? super K,? super V>> v) |
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.resiliencePolicy(ResiliencePolicy<? super K,? super V> v) |
Sets a custom resilience policy to control the cache behavior in the presence
of exceptions from the loader.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.scheduler(Scheduler v) |
Use a different scheduler to run timer tasks for.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.set(Consumer<Cache2kConfig<K,V>> configAction) |
Execute on the underlying configuration object.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.setup(Consumer<Cache2kBuilder<K,V>> consumer) |
Call the consumer with this builder.
<B extends ConfigBuilder<B,CFG>,CFG extends ConfigBean<CFG,B>> Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.setup(Function<Cache2kBuilder<K,V>,CFG> enabler,
Consumer<B> builderAction) |
Executes setup code for a feature or customization which has additional parameters
and configures it via its builder.
<B extends SectionBuilder<B,CFG>,CFG extends ConfigSection<CFG,B>,SUP extends WithSection<CFG,B> & CustomizationSupplier<?>> Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.setupWith(Function<Cache2kBuilder<K,V>,SUP> setupAction,
Consumer<B> builderAction) |
Execute setup code for a feature or customization and configure
its associated configuration section via its builder.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.sharpExpiry(boolean f) |
By default, the time of expiry is not exact, which means, a value might be visible for up to
a second longer after the requested time of expiry.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.storeByReference(boolean v) |
Ensure that the cache value is stored via direct object reference and that
no serialization takes place.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.strictEviction(boolean flag) |
To increase performance cache2k optimizes the eviction and does eviction in
greater chunks.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.timeReference(TimeReference v) |
Use a different time reference.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.timerLag(long v,
TimeUnit u) |
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.timerLag(Duration v) |
Change the maximum lag time for timer events.
<V2> Cache2kBuilder<K,V2> |
Cache2kBuilder.valueType(Class<V2> t) |
Sets the value type to use.
<V2> Cache2kBuilder<K,V2> |
Cache2kBuilder.valueType(CacheType<V2> t) |
Sets the value type to use.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.weigher(Weigher<K,V> v) |
Set the weigher to be used to calculate the entry weight.
<B extends SectionBuilder<B,CFG>,CFG extends ConfigSection<CFG,B>> Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.with(Class<CFG> configSectionClass,
Consumer<B> builderAction) |
Configure a config section.
Cache2kBuilder<K,V> |
Cache2kBuilder.writer(CacheWriter<K,V> w) |
Enables write through operation and sets a writer customization that gets
called synchronously upon cache mutations.