All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary
Class |
Description |
AsyncDispatcher<K,V> |
Calls the listeners with help of the executor.
CloneCopyTransformer<T> |
Implement copy via reflective call to a clone method (needs to be public).
CopyCacheProxy<K,V> |
Cache proxy that expects the transformers keep the type but copy the objects.
CopyTransformer<T> |
Copy: Transform between identical representation types, but different instances.
EntryEvent<K,V> |
Entry events without original value, for created, expired and removed events.
EntryEventWithOldValue<K,V> |
Entry event with original value for update events.
EventHandling<K,V> |
Handles registering event listeners and event dispatching according to the JCache spec.
EventHandlingImpl<K,V> |
cache2k does not support changing the listener configuration at runtime.
ExtendedConfiguration<K,V> |
Extends the JCache complete configuration with an additional cache2k configuration.
ExtendedMutableConfiguration<K,V> |
Extends the JCache mutable configuration with an additional cache2k configuration.
JCacheAdapter<K,V> |
Forward cache operations to cache2k cache implementation.
JCacheBuilder<K,V> |
Constructs a requested JCache.
JCacheConfig |
Configuration section for the cache2k configuration to control additional
behavior related to JCache.
JCacheConfig.Builder |
JCacheJmxCacheMXBean |
JCacheJmxStatisticsMXBean |
JCacheJmxSupport |
JCacheManagerAdapter |
JCacheProvider |
JSR107 caching provider on top of cache2k.
ObjectCopyFactory |
Copying objects is not an easy task, so better have a factory for that.
ObjectTransformer<E,I> |
RuntimeCopyTransformer |
SerializableCopyTransformer<T> |
Uses serialization to copy the object instances.
SimpleObjectCopyFactory |
For immutable objects we just pass the reference through, other objects need to be
copied with clone or serialization.
TckMBeanServerBuilder |
A tricky MBean server builder which produces an mbean server
with id "TckMBeanServer" for any requested server.
TckMBeanServerBuilder.WrapperMBeanServerDelegate |
TouchyJCacheAdapter<K,V> |
Adapter to add required semantics for JSR107 with a custom expiry policy.
TouchyJCacheAdapter.ExpiryPolicyAdapter<K,V> |
TransformingCacheProxy<K,V,K0,V0> |
This is a proxy that filters all keys and values that go in and out.
Util |